Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The World Is Flat

Based on the video and book “The World Is Flat,” the most important factors driving Globalization 3.0 are the ten flatteners that he addressed. We have moved to an era where communication is wireless, voice over the Internet, and file sharing (called steroids). People are now able to work together all over the world via applications. Companies have different ways to communicate and operate businesses through outsourcing, off shoring, open sourcing, supply chaining, in sourcing, and informing. All of these factors have contributed to the global economic playing field being leveled. A new platform has been built and a triple conversion has taken place. All ten of the flatteners are merged together to create a web-enabled platform. We use to be what was considered vertical and now we are moving towards being horizontal, for example instead of going to check-in at the airport to obtain your boarding pass, you can now download it at home. As a college student this movement means that if you do not want to leave your home in order to get your degree, it can be done online. It also means that most communication will be either wireless or voice over the Internet. There will definitely be file sharing over the Internet for college students. Even the use of the library can be done via the web instead of actually going to the library and finding necessary materials. It also gives college students opportunity to attend colleges and universities they would not ordinarily attend because of not being to pay for housing or travel to that state or country. It becomes easier to research with websites such as where students can look up just about anything and inform themselves. College students also have an edge on job opportunities because of the Internet and can find a job in any city, state, and country.

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